Make Your Data Work For You

Strategic Asset Management

What is Strategic Asset Management?

When we talk about Strategic Asset Management (SAM), we are really talking about how to accomplish your organization’s goals. What challenges do you face as you reach for higher productivity, more revenue, less turnover, better use of resources and environmental stewardship? SAM brings your key risks and critical assets together to develop better strategies for long-term sustainability. KJ’s SAM group supports organizations as they strive to improve their performance against a range of metrics. As a trusted partner, we find solutions to your toughest problems and help you understand the tools, technologies, and strategies that can reliably serve your needs.

Strategic Asset Management Means:

  • Developing a 360-degree look at your business & your priorities

  • Protecting current infrastructure investments

  • Motivating your workforce and removing communication barriers

  • Shifting from reactive to proactive business processes

  • Engaging staff in the process and managing change

Strategic Asset Management helps businesses organize work and business processes more effectively. The key to understanding your business and where improvements can yield results is data. Collecting, managing, visualizing, and using the right data to make decisions can take your business to the next level.  

Asset management programs depend on collecting, maintaining, and accessing high-quality data. For a centralized, real-time view of your organization’s assets and performance, KJ recommends using data dashboards that bring together data from a variety of databases and sources. Using business intelligence (BI) software, you can quickly review the performance and health of your assets and how well you are meeting company goals.

Vehicles, equipment, infrastructure, labor, utilization, environmental and regulatory information, and maintenance schedules can all be integrated into a central dynamic dashboard to identify trends and relationships that might otherwise be missed. Tracking asset performance can improve response time and address potential issues before they become critical failures that can impact your goals. 

Custom dashboards provide critical information to the teams that need them while protecting your data sources. Your people can quickly get the data they need, presented in a way that makes sense for the decisions they need to make.

Do More With Your Data

Dashboards used in SAM offer a visual representation of key performance indicators and other critical data related to an organization’s assets. These dashboards can be used to monitor, analyze, and manage assets in real-time, enabling organizations to make data-driven decisions that optimize asset performance and reduce risk. SAM dashboards offer a comprehensive view of an organization’s assets for strategic decisions grounded in data.

A SAM dashboard can include a variety of data that would traditionally be isolated:

  1. Asset performance indicators: metrics such as asset utilization, maintenance costs, downtime, reliability, and overall asset health.

  2. Asset planning: asset maintenance schedules, repairs, rehabilitation, and replacement.

  3. Financial data: asset depreciation, asset value, replacement costs, and other financial metrics

  4. Operational data: asset usage patterns, production output, and other project or process-specific operational metrics that help the organization improve asset performance

  5. Risk data: including data on asset failures, safety incidents, compliance risks, and other risks to help find mitigations.

Do not let your data sit unused in a set of binders.

Data dashboards transform these different data into relevant information to let you measure and manage the projects and performance indicators that matter to you. Our dashboards are customized to fit your business, using the core business questions you need answered. Think about what information you need to make decisions about how you manage your business.

How quickly can you answer these questions?

  • Are you meeting your service levels?

  • Do you know the current state of your assets?

  • Do you know the most pressing risks affecting your process?

  • Are you mitigating these risks?

  • Is your performance meeting your plan?

With your data pulled into BI dashboards, you can quickly access the data you need to maximize the value of your assets and better meet your goals.

Strategic Asset Management goes beyond financial questions to address environmental goals, regulatory compliance, and health and safety concerns. KJ’s team is attuned to your culture, your goals, and your long-term success. Our SAM team works with clients to develop meaningful dashboards that tell the right story. Selecting data for collection and visualization is the key to accessing the decision-making power of dashboards.

Protect Your Data

Dashboards protect your data. Users never directly touch the data source, which can be securely stored on remote servers. Your team can view and interact with your dashboards to answer the questions they need for decision-making but without risk to your data integrity. Dashboards give you customized, interactive tools that show you what you need to see to keep your business running efficiently without risking your source data.

Unify Your Team for Better Performance

Are your workgroups siloed? Are communication bottlenecks affecting your business? Having dynamic dashboards supporting a unified asset management plan can break down those siloes by improving transparency and access to information.

SAM provides a method of managing your assets in a centralized and consistent way to improve efficiency and reduce costs by boosting access to critical information. To make asset management work, you need to manage the collection, storage, and analysis of your data. The systems you use to facilitate your business need to be integrated so that the various types of data you collect and track can interact. This process begins with an organization-wide risk matrix that brings the key drivers of your business – environmental and regulatory, health and safety, and financial – into conversation with each other to find your most critical assets.

Once you know where to spend your resources to support these critical assets, you need to communicate with your team so they can track performance goals and make better decisions. And this is where data dashboards can help.

With better and more consistent tracking and reporting, you can find ways to improve workflows, decrease costs, and reduce human error. With BI software, workgroups can interact with your organization’s data to identify answers to key business questions. When all your teams are interacting with one sole source of truth, their responses become better aligned. 

Managing Your Assets, Strategically

Imagine having the ability to manage all your assets—digital, physical, personnel—from one central dashboard. By tracking labor costs and downtime, you could quickly see which assets require maintenance, rehabilitation, replacement, or redesign. You could identify tasks that are taking too long and find quick fixes to streamline your operations without loss of quality. You could track processes and production to better predict performance.

Our Strategic Asset Management Team can help materialize this vision by taking the data you already have and using it to build a hub for decision-making.

Give Your Team the Data They Need to Work More Effectively

We help you manage more than just physical assets and infrastructure. Our specialists are supported by a century of forward-thinking engineering expertise in resources management and program design.

Our team brings experience working for organizations in the environmental sector, oil and natural gas sector, and the water sector. Our team knows reliability, asset management, data management, and business systems to build programs to support your needs, with dashboards that make your data easy to access and use in decision-making.

Meet Our ADM Team

  • Aditya Ramamurthy, PE, PMI-ACP, ENV SP, ProSci Certified

    Utility Management, Strategic Asset Management

    Aditya Ramamurthy P.E., PMP, PMI-ACP has over 21 years of experience in the development and implementation of asset and utility management programs and initiatives. Aditya leads digital transformation initiatives at Kennedy Jenks and for key clients.

  • Scott Lehman, IAM

    Asset Management, Sustainability

    Scott Lehman, IAM has 20 years of experience in capital planning, business process improvement, asset risk assessment, work order system development, and data analysis & reporting for municipal utilities. Scott's background in Geography and experience working for and with water and wastewater utilities across the US and the Middle East give him a unique perspective on solving problems.

  • Gerald Fejarang, PE

    Reliability and Asset Performance Management

    Gerald Fejarang, PE is a Asset Management and Reliability professional with more than 20 years of practical experience integrating asset management principles into design processes and Operations and Maintenance programs. He has worked with clients of all sizes to improve access to asset performance knowledge and understanding.

  • Akshit (AK) Abraham, Lean Six Sigma

    Data Management and Business Analytics

    AK is an accomplished Digital Transformation Lead with multifaceted, practical, and technological expertise and Six Sigma certification. He can analyze business needs, perform risk assessment and management, develop process improvements, and design dashboards for effective communication strategies.

Ready to put your data to work?